About Me

I'm a software engineer who is passionate about computer technology and making a difference in this ever-expanding world of the internet. I'm fully committed to making this a wonderful career and turning my day job into something that I'll be excited to come in and work on every single day. Fun Fact: My very first coding experience was in high school with a TI-83 graphing calculator. My older brothers were both studying computer science in college and I wanted to give it a try, so I made the game "Pong" from scratch! That experience stuck with me and I'm so glad I've been able to come full circle!

Technologies I've learned so far:

  • - HTML
  • - CSS
  • - Javascript
  • - Python
  • - Bootstrap
  • - JQuery
  • - NodeJS
  • - Express
  • - Auth0
  • - MySQL
  • - Sequelize
  • - Heroku
  • - MongoDB
  • - Mocha
  • - Chai
  • - Nightmare
  • - React
  • - And I just learned Materialize and Sass to build this site!